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Writer's pictureAustin Hepworth

Redefining Possible

Who shapes the future? Who defines what is possible?

Those that believe and work towards something that does not exist yet are those who shape the future.

Believing is a powerful force. It opens our minds up and allows us to create. Future possibilities can only be seen by a mind that believes they are possible. In other words, a lack of belief shuts our mind to seeing, exploring, or finding the possibilities that may exist.

For example, if I were alive before the Wright Brothers’ era, my mind would not see the possibility of flying if I did not believe it was possible for a human to fly. My range of options to choose from would have been limited to those on the ground, as I would not have even considered that which I did not believe.

In our current world, we can see and feel the negativity that comes from politics. We may feel that we lack the ability to do something about the problems, especially because politics often brings out the bad that exists in human nature.

Humans, while they may have natural tendencies to a number of bad things, also have natural tendencies to do and be good. Good is a strong force that has propelled humankind forward and that has helped shape America.

America is a great country. A great country consists of great people, people who sacrifice, work, and give to do and be good. We would not be able to go to the store and buy what we needed, or drive on the roads, or feel safe in our homes, if it were not for the fact that there are more good people than bad in our country.

Despite this, we may lose hope at times, or feel that the problems that do exist are too big to overcome. America, though, has made great strides forward throughout its history, and I fully believe it will continue to do so.

I believe it is possible to clean up politics, our political culture, and the corruption that may exist. I believe it is possible to do this, even if all of the political players are not themselves inherently good.

The Founders fully recognized that people and vice would always go together. Unchecked power would lead to corruption. Interestingly, the Founders didn’t restrict public office to only moral people, or people who only said nice things. Instead, the Founders set up a system that forced some level of checks and balances on human vice.

Our economic system, which is based on capitalist principles, takes the vice of human greed and uses it to propel innovation, development, and technological progress. The ‘check and balance’ on greed is competition, and the laws in the United States, at least for many years, promoted a fairly healthy system of competition. This forced prices down, promoted quality and progress, and spurred intense innovation. Placing this system over the vice of human greed has helped make America the richest country in the history of the world. We have all benefited from the technological developments that have come about after thousands of years of very little progress in systems where greed was not checked and balanced as it has been in America.

Similarly, the Constitution placed ‘checks and balances’ on the political system. Amazingly, regardless of the person in office (whether corrupt or virtuous, wise or inept), America is still chugging along as an amazing nation. America is incredibly resilient and has survived many bad politicians.

Over the years, important pieces of the checks and balances have been removed from the system. The 16th and 17th Amendments, for example, created significant shifts in the check and balance system. Some Supreme Court cases have not fully protected the checks and balances that are necessary to keep those in power checked. Technology has changed the landscape as well, and individuals have also changed their moral code. All of these factors have led to an increasingly negative political culture.

The good news, though, is that systems can be changed. There are ways to shore up the system of checks and balances to bring about a much better political culture. There are reasons that the political system produces candidates that are not viewed as a great option by many Americans, and the reasons underlying these results can be changed.

There are people that understand this, and they work to change laws, culture, and society in ways that benefit them even if it doesn’t benefit us. They have been at work for some time, and there is certainly some work to do to bring America back to where it was. However, there are also people that understand what needs to be in place to keep the system healthy and working well, and there are many strong solutions to help address many of the problems.

I strongly believe that we can fully redefine what is possible in politics. I am running for Attorney General of Utah to help bring about these changes. I will provide content, highlight issues and provide solutions, and strive to educate you and others on the political issues of the day and how we can be a force for good in our world.

One of the immediate things you can do to create a check and balance that will promote healthier government and politics in Utah is to change the way you vote. There are two positions in the Utah government that have the potential of being a healthy check and balance.

One is the position of Auditor. The State Auditor has the potential to alert us to incorrect uses of funds, overspending, budget issues, etc. Yet, despite this important role, we often elect a Republican to audit the Republicans.

Wall Street isn’t permitted to have a connected party audit a corporation. Auditors have to be independent to comply with law governing the business world, yet in politics, we appoint the same party. What incentive does a Republican have to highlight issues with other Republicans?

Similarly, what incentive does a Republican Attorney General have to enforce the laws against other Republicans? The office of Attorney General has great potential to help enforce laws and stop playing favorites. To do so though, it needs to be independent of the Parties and just able to focus on the laws.

This November, you have the opportunity to vote to place two important checks and balances on our government by voting non-Republican for Auditor and Attorney General. Regardless of how much you like the Republican Party, it is human nature that unchecked power leads to corruption or problems. Putting in healthy checks and balances helps to keep the Party operating well.

I fully believe that candidates should provide substantive information to those who vote for them. You can see how I feel about issues and what I believe. I have many videos, podcasts, and articles that are out or will be coming out soon. I strive to be transparent and provide meat and real workable solutions instead of nice sounding soundbites that lack substance. If you have questions for me, feel free to reach out or schedule me to come and present to your group.

We are not just passengers along for the ride in America. We are the drivers of our own destiny, and it is time for us to take the wheel and redefine what is possible. I invite you to join in this journey as we work to redefine possible and correct the system at its foundational level.


I am Austin Hepworth, and I believe that we can redefine what is possible. Our beliefs will dictate the things we see, think, and feel. We have the power to shape our state and country, and I would love to have you join me in shaping our future, for good.

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