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Image by Denis Linine

we can change american politics

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Utah's Independent Choice for AG

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I am Austin Hepworth
I am a Believer

I believe that America's best days are still ahead and that good can come from our current challenges.

Checks and Balances

These can help to change the foundations of our culture, which will lead to improving our situation in Utah and America. The video below explains more about how this happens with an independent AG.

Image by Dylan Shaw

We are at the wheel.

We may not choose all that we encounter, but the very essence of being human is having the ability to choose our response. We do not have to simply go with the flow, we can exercise our gifts and talents to change the course of our country.

We can redefine what is possible, even in politics.

A Little About Me

I was raised in Magna, Utah, a town with great community but with a fair amount of crime. Residents ranged from successful business owners to the Federal District Attorney of Utah to individuals struggling to get by to those with special needs. My time in Magna let me see and experience the reality of the various conditions and situations that come with this life, both the good and the bad.

I was homeschooled from grades 3 through 9. I graduated from Cyprus High School as the co-Valedictorian. I wrestled for one season and broke my elbow in my second season. I always wanted to play football, but never had the build necessary for that. I loved spending time with my brothers and sisters and enjoyed playing street hockey in our driveway.

I served a mission in Taiwan for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I then minored in Mandarin Chinese and majored in Business Administration at the University of Utah, where I graduated summa cum laude and as the Outstanding Scholar in Business Administration for having the highest GPA of those in my graduating class who majored in Business Administration.

I married and had a child while I was in college. I worked full-time at a silver refinery while attending college full-time and maintaining a full-tuition scholarship. I then went to law school at a private Catholic school (Ave Maria), where I had another two children. I finished law school with three children, ranked first in my class and again graduated summa cum laude.

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I worked as a traditional attorney for a number of years and was able to see many areas of law, ranging from business disputes to constitutional challenges to international tax for a publicly traded international company. Ultimately, I saw one recurring theme - people often fell into a victim mindset, and they stopped believing that they had the power to change the world or what was taking place.

Life's experiences and society's laws, rules, and culture create a framework that sets limits on what we believe is possible. If we want to change things in the world, we need to change some of our foundational beliefs and actions based on those beliefs.

To help accomplish that, I started an organization called "Believe". In Believe, we strive to redefine what is possible, and we work hard to address various challenges and issues that face society, families, and individuals. Our logo says "I Believe" and the "i" is a person praying, showing the power that can come as we connect with heaven in our efforts.

I strive to be transparent in the things I believe, say, and do. I write, and I have contributed to many blog posts. I present, and I have been in front of many groups and individuals. Most of my work I don't get paid to do, but I do it because I believe that something better is possible.

This website includes links to some of my work or the things that I have been involved in. It helps to paint a picture of who I am and what you can expect of or from me.

True Belief Involves Action

Below are some of the things I am involved with.

Eagle Flying

Attorney General

I am running as an independent for Attorney General in Utah for the November 2024 election. If we change the nature of politics, we open the door for all kinds of great opportunities in America. To start, we need to select leaders who can model the principles that we want to have in our country, such as checks and balances and accountability.


We each have the power and potential to do and be good, and to create good in this world. Change is possible. The future belongs to the believers. Come and see the various projects and efforts we have undertaken in trying to help change things for the better.

The War In Heaven

The Bible teaches about a War In Heaven prior to this earth's existence. I love religious principles and teachings, and I have written a fictional book on this War that explores religious concepts and the role of faith in overcoming the bad that exists. There are a number of short stories that accompany this as well.

Believe Legal

The law touches all that we do. Our right to own property or keep a paycheck in our own bank account are both predicated on laws that make that possible. I have helped many individuals navigate legal issues and utilize laws to create strong foundations, whether with business compliance or contracts, constitutional challenges, or wills and trusts. If you need legal assistance, feel free to reach out.


I interviewed with the FDIC in Washington DC when I was in law school. They asked me one of my life goals, and I answered that I wanted to be a father and that I had worked hard for that goal. I didn't get that job, but I am a proud father and feel that there is nothing in life as challenging or fulfilling as being a parent. I love my family and feel strongly that I want to leave the world a better place for them.


I help host Taco Tuesdays, organize pickleball challenges, host family dances, serve as a youth mentor at youth camps, host Constitution Day celebrations, organized a Freedom Drive, give free presentations, serve pro bono for non-profit organizations, and help advise individuals as they work to create their own private communities. To me, community is the key to preserving our American way of life.

Austin Hepworth uses his own funds to maintain this website. Some of the pages on this website currently support the campaign of Austin Hepworth for Attorney General. This website links to other websites that provide information about Austin's efforts, but not all of these websites are part of the campaign to elect Austin Hepworth for Attorney General. Any donations to Austin Hepworth for Attorney General from links on this website support the campaign of Austin Hepworth for Attorney General and are not tax deductible. You can contact Austin at his law firm's website at Believe.Legal.

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