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Writer's pictureAustin Hepworth

Just Start Driving

We cannot steer a parked car. A car’s steering system works best when the car is moving. Depending on where we are going, we may travel faster or slower at different times.


Life is similar. We have destinations we want to get to. We want to achieve a set level of wealth. We want to have a certain job. We want to help do something good. We want to have a family. We know that these destinations take work and movement, but we often stay where we are at, simply because we do not know the path to travel.


One of the interesting ironies in life is that we often work hard to obtain a sense of security or permanency, even though there are goals we have not yet achieved, and even though it is impossible to stop the constant change going on around us. We have all witnessed how a pandemic, war, tornado, or earthquake can be here one day and gone the next, leaving intense sets of changes in their path.


As humans and individuals, we each have things that will make us happy, that will make us feel more complete, that will make us feel satisfaction. Often though, we do not know how to achieve the things we want. People long for peace in the world, for example, yet feel entirely unsure of how to bring peace to the world.


Ideas and desires flow through us on a daily basis. We see others that have something we want and feel envious, we long for something in our lives that is not there, and yet we often do not change our circumstances.


Our longing for security often means that we want to understand each part of the trip, or each part of our efforts along the way. GPS, perhaps, has helped make us inclined to want to see the beginning from the end before we start our trip.


We rarely can see our path so clearly though, and if we are seeking direction or inspiration for how to plan our trip, or our efforts to build something good, it is common for us to remain in the dark.


One of the major differences between life and a trip though is that our destination in life has never been visited before. Since we are individuals with unique talents and abilities, nobody has ever walked our exact path before, and our destination lies somewhere in uncharted territory. To reach our destination that is meaningful to us, we have to be willing to venture into the unknown, so to speak.


In other words, it is rare that we can see or understand all of how something will work out. When we have a goal or desire, we do not have to know how to achieve it all, we just need to start moving, meaning we need to start working or pursuing the goal or desire.


As we move, it becomes easier to steer. Directions can come as we are driving, and the steering wheel becomes far easier to manage as we are driving to our destination.


So, if you want to do something meaningful, important, or good, and you do not know how to do it, just start driving. Reach out to others, ask questions, share your desires, write your thoughts, put some money into software you may need, etc.


As you begin taking steps, you can begin gaining a sense of direction. Inspiration can come, and it certainly will, as you embark on your journey. Some paths, or efforts, will help you understand that it is not the direction to pursue, while other paths, or efforts, will help you realize that you are headed in the right direction.


There is always a way to accomplish the good desires that are in your heart. God put them there for a reason. If you do not know where to start, do not worry, most of us do not know too. The people who accomplish good are simply willing to start driving, letting their directions come as they are out moving and working. God will not steer a parked car, and neither can we.

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